Critique of Coming to Grips with Genesis


On July 10 I did a post about a biblical creation seminar DBTS offered in this past spring semester. With this entry, I mentioned that the Detroit Baptist Seminary Journal would have a review of Coming to Grips with Genesis in its 2009 edition (to subscribe to the journal, go here). Last month volume 14 of the journal was released and in it Dr. Matt Postiff has a rigorous, yet positive review of this book (to get a great discount with purchasing the book, to the DBTS Store).

I highly recommend that you read Dr. Postiff’s review. He is the pastor of Fellowship Bible Church in Ann Arbor, MI. He has received a Bachelor???s, Master???s, and Ph.D. in computer engineering from the University of Michigan. After earning his Ph.D., he earned a Master of Divinity from Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary in 2005 and is currently writing his Master of Theology thesis on Middle Knowledge: “How God Knows Counterfactuals.” Lord willing, he should be awarded the Master of Theology degree in May of 2010 (to read more about Dr. Postiff, go to his church’s website).

Though Matt makes some recommendations to improve a second edition of Coming to Grips with Genesis, he highly recommends purchasing and using the book with these words: “The book is a scholarly, biblical, and comprehensive defense of the young-earth view. The authors easily achieved their immediate goal–to present the key arguments for the young-earth view. They also successfully raised the issue that the age of the creation has a serious impact on foundational truths of the Christian faith. Issues such as the sufficiency, authority, and clarity of Scripture and consistency in hermeneutics are indeed at stake. The authors wisely avoid the error of making the young-earth view a fundamental of the faith. A major strength of the book is that it is a compilation of works by authors whose expertise is particularly focused on the topics on which they write.” To read his full review, go here.

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2 Responses to “Critique of Coming to Grips with Genesis”

  1. Fred Butler Says:

    The book was certainly outstanding and anyone who attempts to argue against a YEC position must familiarize himself with it in order to be sufficiently informed to address the issues.

    I look forward to reading over the review.

  2. Bob McCabe Says:


    I appreciate your interest in reading Matt Postiff’s critique. Let me know what you think.

    With Matt’s PhD in computer engineering as well as his seminary training at DBTS, he has the type of analytics skills that are helpful for this type of critique. His review is academically positive and thorough, yet he does point out a few areas that could increase CTGWG’s value even more than what it currently has, though, of course, I am a little prejudice. It was a privilege for me to be involved with a group of godly men with exegetical and theological expertise in the areas that they wrote about.

    If you are interested, I recently read another positive review of CTGWG. It can be found on pages 146-48 at



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