Is Great Britain Close to Permitting Sharia Law?


How far will Great Britain go in allowing Muslims to change Britain’s law? As Al Mohler notes: “For the past two or three decades, Britain has been engaged in a radical experiment in abandoning its own national identity. It has encouraged a huge number of Islamic immigrants to enter the country. This explains why some of the most extreme sects of Islam have taken root on British soil. Just a few weeks ago, another senior cleric warned that some areas of Britain’s cities has become ‘no go’ zones for non-Muslims. Any casual visitor to some British cities will know exactly what he means.” Do not miss reading Al Mohler’s “Sharia Law in Great Britain?” Does this have implications for the United States?

3 Responses to “Is Great Britain Close to Permitting Sharia Law?”

  1. Barry Says:

    Very interesting! Last year, Hamtramack, a suburb of Detroit fought the issue of public calls to prayer for Muslims three times a day. A horn was to go off over the city.

    This is a new “racism.” Dividing people and preventing them from certain districts simply because of race (in this case religion) is certainly distressing.

  2. jrpeet Says:

    What was the outcome of the Hamtramack issue?

    Is the issue of the Muslim public call to prayer any different then say Church bells ringing on Sunday morning (I know that rarely happens anymore!)?

  3. Bob McCabe Says:

    Good questions, Jim. In 2004, the Hamtramck City Council gave approval to allow mosques to broadcast the Muslim call to prayer over loudspeakers. And, I understand that this is currently done in Hamtramck.

    To be sure there are complexities with your question; however, one way that I think the broadcasting of the Muslim call to prayer over a loudspeaker is different than church bells ringing is that church bells ringing has been associated with the Judaeo-Christian tradition upon which the United States is founded.

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