America’s Modern-day Holocaust: Abortion


January 22 of this year marked 36 years since United States Supreme Court’s 1973 landmark decision to legalize abortion in the Roe v. Wade case. My concern about the abortion issue was expressed last year on January 22 with my entry “The 35th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade.” I am as concerned about the abortion issue today as I have ever been. What has concerned me over the past ten years or so is the apathy among evangelical Christians about the abortion issue in spite of clear biblical evidence, as well as medical data (for more information, click here) that modern technology clearly provides about the unmistakeable humanity of unborn babies. The growing indifference towards abortion is inexcuseable. And, as a Christian, it is very disappointing to realize that the the US is the most liberal industrialized nation in terms of permitting a woman to have an abortion at any time and for any reason during her pregnancy. In light of our recent election, I have no expectation that we will surrender this ignominious distinction. America’s permissiveness about the killing of unborn babies is something of a modern-day holocaust.

I have been following a number of websites over the past week that focus on this modern-day holocaust. For a listing of key links about abortion, check out Andy Naselli’s post about abortion with the listing of links from Justin Taylor’s recent posts and John Piper’s. In addition to this listing, check out Al Mohler’s recent six part series on abortion.

What Makes Abortion Plausible? What Makes Abortion Unthinkable?, Part One

What Makes Abortion Plausible? What Make Abortion Unthinkable?, Part Two

What Makes Abortion Plausible? What Makes Abortion Unthinkable?, Part Three

What Makes Abortion Plausible? What Makes Abortion Unthinkable?, Part Four

What Makes Abortion Plausible? What Makes Abortion Unthinkable?, Part Five

What Makes Abortion Plausible? What Makes Abortion Unthinkable?, Part Six

As the above links provide details about the biblical evidence on abortion and how it relates to our culture, it would also be good to hear a testimony of an abortion survivor. During the presidential campaign, I listened to Sean Hannity’s stirring interview with Gianna Jessen who lived through an attempted abortion. To ponder the significance of her surviving an abortion, listen to her testimony in Australia. Take some time to look at the above links and consider the biblical evidence. May God grant that we see abortion for the evil it is as a violation of “You shall not murder” (Exod 20:13) and may he grant that we do our best through his sovereign grace to oppose this modern-day holocaust.