Old Testament Poetic Books, 112

Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary

Instructor: R. V. McCabe, Th.D. Spring Semester

Course Outline 2010

Click here to download full class requirements

A study of the key elements of Hebrew poetry, the argument of the book of Job, key Psalms as they relate to their literary genre, the book of Proverbs as it relates to skillful living, the message of Ecclesiastes, an interpretation of the Song of Solomon, and the book of Lamentations.

In this course the student should
1. understand the basic nature and expression of Hebrew poetry in its setting;
2. have an understanding of the basic message of Job, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon, Lamentations, and the key Psalms studied;
3. acquire a basic knowledge of the figures of speech employed in the poetic books;
4. have an understanding of the historical background for each book; and
5. gain an appreciation of the richness of the theology and practicality contained in the Poetic Books.

1. Tests: There will be three major tests. The first exam will cover pp. 1???41 of the syllabus, the second exam, pp. 43???92, and third pp. 93???133???90% of grade.
2. Reading Requirement: If the student completes all the assigned reading in accordance with the reading schedule, he will receive a 98%???10% of grade.

1. Estes, Daniel J. Handbook on the Wisdom Books and Psalms. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2005.
2. McCabe, Robert V. ???Old Testament Poetic Books.??? Unpublished syllabus, Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary, 2008.