Biblical Creationism Seminary, 9759

Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary

Moderators: R. V. McCabe, Th.D. & Mark A. Snoeberger, Ph.D.

Course Outline Spring Semester 2009

Click here to download full class requirements

A seminar designed to develop a biblical theology of creation by evaluating differing evangelical interpretations of key creation motifs.

IIn this seminar the student will
1. become conversant with the current issues on biblical creationism,
2. demonstrate a comprehensive knowledge of the current literature on each assigned article and book,
3. objectively evaluate the various articles and books assigned as reading in the seminar,
4. articulate a coherent view on the various creation motifs developed in the seminar, and
5. critically and humbly interact with the views of others on each assignment.

1. Critiques: The articles and books found in the Course Bibliography will be evaluated by every student???70% of grade
2. Discussion Leader: When a student is called on to lead the discussion, he will be evaluated as to his ability to direct the discussion and interact with his colleagues???10% of grade
3. Class Participant: Each student will be evaluated on the quality and quantity of his class participation ???20% of grade


Collins, C. John. Genesis 1???4: A Linguistic, Literary, and Theological Commentary. Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian & Reformed, 2006.

DeYoung, Donald B. Thousands Not Billions. Green Forest, AR: Master Books, 2007.

Hagopian, David G., editor. Crux Press. The Genesis Debate: Three Views on the Days of Creation. Mission Viejo, CA: Crux Press, 2001.

Hasel, Gerhard F. ???The ???Days??? of Creation in Genesis 1.??? Origins 21 (1994): 5???38.

Jordan, James B. Creation in Six Days: A Defense of the Traditional Reading of Genesis One. Moscow, ID: Canon Press, 1999.

Mortenson, Terry and Thane H. Ury, editors. Coming to Grips with Genesis: Biblical Authority and the Age of the Earth. Green Forest, AR: Master Books, 2008.

Whitcomb, John C. ???The History and Impact of the Book, The Genesis Flood.??? Impact 395 (May 2006): i???iv.

Whitcomb, John C. The World That Perished. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1973.

Wise, Kurt P. Faith, Form, and Time. Nashville: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 2002.